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Download Nintendo Voice Chat Here
IGN Nintendo is making big predictions for 2014. Join Jose Otero, Peer Schneider, Marty Sliva, and the NVC debut of video producer Tim Gettys, as they peek into the future and deliver 20 predictions to expect from Nintendo this year.
Just a quick heads up: Because this episode was recorded on Tuesday, we don't have any discussion about Nintendo's recent financial meeting in Japan. You can read a summary of what happened here. Please look forward to that conversation on next week's episode.
This week's question comes from NVC listener Andrew Eisen. Check out his IGN blog here: "I like to consider myself a frugal, budget-conscious gamer but I still find myself the owner of a slew of video games that I haven't played. Some go back as far as the Super Nintendo. So, what do your video game backlogs look like?" Please tell us five games from your gaming backlog in the comments or email
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Jose Otero is an Associate Editor at IGN and host of Nintendo Voice Chat. He's happy to see Nintendo rally behind the GamePad in 2014. You can follow him on twitter.
Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com
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