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Comic Book Reviews for 2/12/2014

You asked for more reviews, and we have answered in the form of the bearded, surprisingly spry man known as Mike Logsdon. Please give him a warm welcome but don't touch him as he gets easily riled and might suddenly jump at you. We said he was spry!

The biggest news development out of the week has to be Batman's new sidekick (which we talked to writer Scott Snyder about), but there was also some great comics in She-Hulk, All-New X-Men, and Fatale. This was a huge week with a lot of releases, so be sure to chime in with your thoughts in the comments.

Also, check out what the IGN All-Stars are doing in their reviews of all this week's Comixology Submit releases!

Editor's Note: Reviews for Batgirl #28, Nightwing #28, Coffin Hill #5, and The Fuse #1 will be added soon.


All-New X-Men #23

STK631281 Written by Brian Michael Bendis | Art by Stuart Immonen

"This All-New X-Men/Guardians of the Galaxy crossover got off to a fairly slow start. But the third chapter finally sees both groups united under the starship roof. And the pairing proves every bit as entertaining as one could hope. It turns out that none of the bizarre sights Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, and the rest have come across in the previous 22 issues have prepared them for the likes of a cantankerous, gun-toting raccoon or a talking tree with a one-track mind. As is his habit, Brian Michael Bendis is able to mine the team-up to its full comedic depth." -Jesse

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Avengers #26

STK631271 Written by Jonathan Hickman | Art by Salvador Larroca

"The quality of The Avengers has seemed to zigzag since Infinity wrapped up. And unfortunately, the series takes another downward plunge this month. With issue #26, it was enough to find that the "All-New Avengers" plot point wasn't the blatant All-New X-Men riff Marvel wanted us to think it was. But having moved past that, the problem now is that this development hasn't yielded very interesting drama. Where the other two pillars of Jonathan Hickman's Avengers saga are dealing with epic, weighty matters, this arc is devolving into a case of 'been there, done that.'" -Jesse

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Final Score:


Deadpool #23

STK631284 Written by Gerry Duggan & Brian Posehn | Art by Mike Hawthorne

"This issue's cover pays homage to Alien, but it's not just a one-off visual gag. This entire issue plays out like an Alien spoof, with Deadpool serving as the creeping, skulking, killing Xenomorph and the hapless goons of U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. as his cannon fodder. There's plenty of burning acid and corridor skulking and battles next to open air ducts. And all of it plays nicely into Deadpool's current mindset. Having so recently been tormented by the demons of his past, he's very much in a killing mood." -Jesse

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:


She-Hulk #1

STK631440 Written by Charles Soule | Art by Javier Pulido

"This is not a superhero book. Not even a little bit. It's more Hawkeye than Hulk, following the stories of Jennifer Walters's law career – or lack of career, as the book starts – and what she does when she's not an Avenger or member of the FF. In other words, this is a comic that could have gone really bad really fast. In the wrong hands, this thing could have been a boring, bizarre mess. Fortunately, due to the very capable Charles Soule and Javier Pulido, that is not the case. In fact, She-Hulk #1 is absolutely fantastic. It's the She-Hulk comic we never knew we needed." -Benjamin

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW

STK631279 Written by Dan Slott | Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli

"As much as this book has frustrated with its breakneck pace and tendency to barrel right through major events, it's good to see Slott skip ahead in this issue and plop readers (and Otto) right into the thick of his conflict with Green Goblin. One month after the previous issue's prologue chapter, the Goblin Nation has already risen up and left its mark on New York. There's a fun sensation of Otto and Green Goblin (whomever is under the mask) playing a complex game of chess against one another. Slott very quickly establishes the stakes for Otto in both his personal and professional lives. Otto is very quickly beginning to reap what he's sown in terms of all the relationships he's damaged lately. Most importantly, the fact that the series is now so focused on this one, specific conflict eliminates the cluttered feel the previous few storylines have suffered from." -Jesse

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW

STK631288 Written by Jason Aaron | Art by Esad Ribic

"The world that Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic have built for Thor is so great. Even when an issue is just setting pieces in place it's a good time. The era spanning tales of Young Thor, Thor and Old Thor are one of the best things Marvel has out right now, and considering how good their whole line is, that is saying something. It's just a blast to hang out with Thor, even when he's spending a lot of the issue trying to get a date." -Benjamin

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Winter Soldier: Bitter March #1

STK631444 Written by Rick Remender | Art by Roland Boschi

"Setting a story during Winter Soldier's past is a daring idea. As you are probably aware, the Winter Soldier was a bad guy. A very bad guy. He is not the main character of this issue, and probably not this series. Instead we focus on Nick Fury and Ran Shen on a secret mission during the Cold War. It's got a heavy James Bond feel, with lots sexy action. The Winter Soldier doesn't make an appearance until the end, and he's a real force of nature, but it's weird how little of him there is in this book. It'll be interesting to see how this thing plays out, since we can all assume how it'll end." -Benjamin

Click here to read the entire review!

Final Score:


X-Force #1

STK631465 Written by Simon Spurrier | Art by Rock-He Kim

"In hindsight, turning X-Force into its own mini-franchise last year wasn't the best move on Marvel's part. Both Uncanny X-Force Vol. 2 and Cable and X-Force had their merits, but their share of flaws as well. Now that those two books have ended, it seems Marvel is getting back to basics with X-Force - one book with Cable in the lead and full of violence and snark. It would be a perfectly solid but unremarkable premise if not for one factor - Simon Spurrier. Spurrier has been doing a bang-up job on X-Men Legacy. It was clear he needed another mutant-themed project to fill the void after Legacy ends, and X-Force is as good a place as any for him to plant his hat." -Jesse

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Final Score:


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