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Comic Book Reviews for 2/5/2014

Marvel's All-New Marvel NOW initiative hit with full force this week, delivering four brand spankin' new series, including the controversial new Ms. Marvel #1 featuring Muslim teenager Kamala Khan. DC delivered the next chapter in its Forever Evil event, gave a closer look at Joker's Daughter, and offered a two-for-one with Green Lantern/Red Lanterns. Plus, we checked out some indie titles both new and old.

It's a huge week for comics, so hear our recommendations and then be sure to chime in with your thoughts in the comments.

And don't forget to check out what the IGN All-Stars are doing in their reviews of all this week's Comixology Submit releases!


All-New Invaders #2


Written by James Robinson | Art by Steve Pugh

"The first issue of this series focused almost entirely on Human Torch, which bogged things down a bit. This time, the story shifts to Winter Solider and Captain America as they come to the aid of their ol' flaming buddy. It's a fun read, but Robinson packs it with dialogue and inner monologues to the point of overload. The best bits come when the writing steps back a bit and just lets the action shine. The story isn't a exactly anything new, so there's no reason to bury us in details. Bad guys want a bad machine to do bad things, got it. Now let the good guys do their thing." -Benjamin

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Final Score:


Black Widow #3


Written by Nathan Edmondson | Art by Phil Noto

"Now in its third issue, Black Widow, by writer Nathan Edmondson and artist Phil Noto, is starting to read a bit like a "monster of the week" show. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. In a world where it feels like every comic is tied into 27 other titles and inextricably intertwined with an 18-month long story arc (I exaggerate, but you get my meaning), it's refreshing to come across a book that can boast a neat beginning, middle, and end to each issue. That being said, the plot in this issue feels a bit thin compared to the scope of the underlying narrative." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Captain America #16.NOW


Written by Rick Remender | Art by Pascal Alixe

"Jet Black is a pretty cool character. If you were a fan of the Dimension Z storyline from last year, you'll enjoy this issue as it's tied heavy to those events. It's a solid read that does some heavy character work on Jet, which is a good thing. Of course, it also doesn't feature Captain America, at all, which could be seen as a problem for a comic that is supposed to be a great jumping on point for new readers. It moves a little slow at times, and spends too long on some throwaway moments, but Captain America #16.NOW is still a worthy read." -Benjamin

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Final Score:


Loki: Agent of Asgard #1


Written by Al Ewing | Art by Lee Garbett

"The title for the first issue of Loki: Agent of Asgard -- 'Trust Me' -- should be your first indication that you're in for something special. As the God of Mischief (or Evil, depending on who you ask), Loki is usually the last person any sane individual should trust. And yet, in this inaugural issue, writer Al Ewing and artist Lee Garbett, show us that trust is a tricky thing, and that even tricksters can have good intentions." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Ms. Marvel #1


Written by G. Willow Wilson | Art by Adrian Alphona

"When the news broke about the new Ms. Marvel being a teenage Muslim girl named Kamala Khan, you probably thought to yourself that this would be a superhero comic about someone unfamiliar to you. As it turns out, you probably have more in common with Kamala than you’d think. She’s a high school girl who is obsessed with the Avengers, wants to go to parties with all the popular kids, and doesn’t always get along well with her family. Writer G. Willow Wilson knocks the debut of Ms. Marvel out of the park not by showcasing how she is made different by her Muslim faith, but by investing you in her vibrant, relatable character." -Joshua

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Final Score:


New Avengers #14


Written by Jonathan Hickman | Art by Simone Bianchi

"New Avengers is currently dealing with a threat to the entire Marvel multiverse. Unfortunately, the series has become a little too preoccupied with these other universes at the expense of the one we know and love. As with issue #13, this new issue devotes a heft amount of space to an alternate reality where a different version of the Illuminati fight a losing battle to halt an Incursion. As much as this material highlights the high stakes our own heroes face, it's an approach that is quickly feeling redundant and superfluous. We need more face time with the core cast as they venture into a post-Infinity future." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Punisher #1


Written by Nathan Edmondson | Art by Mitch Gerads

"Frank Castle seems to be a tough character for a lot of creators. He's hard to nail down, possibly because his concept is so simple. Action movies have been telling his story for decades: the classic tale of a good man pushed too far, a guy who is no longer content to play by the rules. The creators who have been the most successful are the ones who play it straight, keep the character moving fast, emptying clips and spilling blood. It's not that stuff like FrankenCastle or Captain America Punisher can't be fun, because they are fun, no doubt, but the Punisher as a character seems to work best in books that are slightly removed from the Marvel U and focus on one guy with a lot of guns killing a bunch of very, very bad people. The good news is, Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads embrace that and give us a story about the Punisher moving to Los Angeles and spraying bullets in the direction of those who deserve it. This first issue reads like the opening to a kick-butt action flick, and that's exactly what you'd want in a Punisher book. Some of the stuff it sets up seems like a retread of stories we have read before, especially if you were invested in Garth Ennis' epic MAX run, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty to enjoy here. It's a good stuff, for sure." -Benjamin

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Final Score:


The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8


Written by Nick Spencer | Art by Steve Lieber

"After a brief interlude issue focused on the origin of the new Beetle, Nick Spencer is back into the thick of things in The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8. All of the elements that make this series so great are in full effect this month. We have the core group of miscreants who manage to be lovable even as they bumble and scheme and plot against each other. We have the biting humor that pokes fun at pop culture and various corners of the Marvel Universe. And we have the surprise introduction of an A-list villain sure to shake things up even further." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Wolverine #1


Written by Paul Cornell | Art by Ryan Stegman

"When it comes to new number one issues, this one isn't exactly a great example of crafting a jumping-on point. If you have not been reading Wolverine over the past few months, you might feel a little lost for the bulk of this issue. This is not to say this is a bad comic, because it certainly is not. Even when the story slumps here and there, the fantastic and dynamic visuals will keep you entertained. Wolverine is going through some major changes, for sure, but so far this title is just more of the same." -Benjamin

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Final Score:


X-Men #10.NOW


Written by Brian Wood | Art by Kris Anka

"X-Men #10.NOW is a strange place to have a supposedly new-reader friendly jumping-on point. While this is being billed as the start of a new story arc, issue #10 is merely a continuation of the same Sisterhood storyline that has been unfolding since November. The only tangible change is the fact that artist Terry Dodson is out and Kris Anka and Clay Mann are in. New readers should be able to follow along well enough, but they'd be better suited starting with issue #7 instead." -Jesse

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Final Score:



Archer & Armstrong #0.2014


Written by Fred Van Lente | Art by Pere Perez

"Archer is a character whose past always seemed obvious. He was raised by religious extremists to hunt down Armstrong and that's all you really need to know, or at least that's what we thought. This issue gives a deeper look into Archer's life before he started battling immortal drunkards, and it's sorta devastating. This comic manages to be sad, frightening and hilarious all at the same time. You might have not known you wanted to read this story, but know that it's hear you should definitely check it out. Archer & Armstrong continues its winning streak, even when it spends a month looking backwards." -Benjamin

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Final Score:


Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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